Friday, December 31, 2010

{my one little word}

I have chosen my word or as Ali Edwards says, I've let it choose me.

I feel like I have already begun to use my word. I have been more efficient at doing several things I've wanted to focus on. Blogging, Scrapbooking and even my finances. One example, I used to balance my checkbook to the penny every few days. For the last two years I haven't balanced it AT ALL.  Let's just say, thank goodness for overdraft, but BOO for fees. I've focused on my finances and I have taken control of my check book once more!!  So far I am balancing it every day or two just to make sure I am on track and keep on track.

I plan on using my word in every aspect of my life. I plan on focusing on my health. Which means eating healthier, exercising and going to doctor appointments. Have I mentioned I'm a bad patient? Nurse and all,, I'm living up to the saying that medical professionals are bad patients. I plan on focusing on my scrapbooking hobby. I've begun by signing up for two classes over at Big Picture Scrapbooking. One begins tomorrow. A big plus is that I'm off tomorrow. Woohoo. The second begins in February.  I will focus on my classes and my scrapping.

I also plan to do the obvious with the word focus. Focus on my camera and learning all I can do with it. I have a Nikon D90 and two lenses. I have been slowly reading up on the different settings of a DSLR camera. I've been annoying my self by watching tutorial videos and reading instructions and then when I try to remember the settings a day or few days after, I forget them. I'll eventually get it. Practice makes perfect. Focus. I just reminded myself of The Karate Kid,, focus danielson,,,, FOCUS! Teehee. 

So, I end this 2010 year, with a new blog, a new word and a warm wishes and hugs for you all. Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

{mini-me, my boy and a movie}

While Christmas shopping for Mini-me (Nick's son Chris whom I refer to as my step-son or Mini-me since he's a replica of his dad) I was looking for what else to buy him since clothing is a bit boring to give a 19 year old. I got an awesome deal on a Virgin Mobile cell phone. No contract, unlimited txt and data with enough minutes for him considering he spends 95% of his time txting and not actually speaking on a phone. We paid for the first month of the phone. it's in his name and he's responsible for the rest. Plus the phone cost me $30 at Radio Shack when every other store wanted $70. Cha-ching. Love a good deal. But, his cell phone is not the point of my post. The phone and clothes were his Christmas presents. I needed something else to get for him.

While I was browsing the movie section at Walmart eyeing up the movie "The Town" because my boy Ben Affleck is in it, Nick turns and says to me that Chris really wanted to see that movie, referring to The Town. I saw it as the perfect opportunity for me to get another present for Mini-me AND get to watch my boy Ben in a movie that for the first time in a long time, got good reviews.

Have any of you watched it yet? I recommend it. I liked it, a lot. And while I know I am not really able to NOT enjoy watching Ben for 2 hours straight, it really was good! Oddly enough even though Ben plays a bad character in the movie you can't help but want him to "win" in the situation he ends up in. Chris was surprised at how well Ben can speak with a Boston accent. A thick one at that. I said,"well that's because my boy is from Boston". Nick asks,"your boy?" I said,"Oh come on, you know I have a thing for Ben".

Apparently, I never really let on about my feelings for Ben over the last year and a half.

{Sigh}Ahh, the days when I would sift through websites to find new photos of my boyfriend, ah-hem, excuse me, I mean, of Ben. I even created many a photo collage for my desk at work back when I worked in Staten Island. Around 2001 or so. Back before he made a bunch of bad movies and pre-JLo times. I like to pretend those didn't even happen. As I'm sure he would like to forget them as well. Ben also directed and assisted in the writing of the screenplay. My boy is SO talented. ;)

I even like that he's married to Jennifer Garner. I like her. I was a huge fan of the show ALIAS. Excellent show. Was very sad to see it end. Actually makes me want to rent/buy them. Hmm. That's a good idea. Must remember to google them and see how much they are.

So, I wanted to let you know that I give THE TOWN 2 thumbs way up. Rent it from Netflix or Redbox or whatever service you use. Time for my head to hit the pillow for 8 hours of sleep or I may be a very grouchy nurse tomorrow. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

{a printer, a blizzard and crazies, OH MY!}

Funny how I always hear people happy about being given a gift of jewelry or other girly thing and I think, yeah that's nice. Just not my thing. I guess. I was a very happy girl on Christmas Eve having opened this:
I originally just cut out an advertisement from Target and handed it to Nick letting him know I would like a printer like the two pictured in the ad. He went a step better and bought me the higher end model of those pictured. Smart Man!!  LOL.

Not only can I print wirelessly from my Mac. I can also print wirelessly from my iPhone. What a happy geek girl I am! It was set up in about ten minutes and we tested it out and printed out a 4X6 picture. Nick exclaimed,"it looks like a picture!" I laughed and said,"Baby, it IS a picture." He says,"You know what I mean." He actually did not know you could print photos from a home printer. 

Today, we are hibernating after venturing outdoors this morning. I woke up to Nick calling me at 6:15 a.m. on my day off!!! But, he had a good reason. He knew I wanted to go food shopping this morning and since he was at work he had already heard that the storm was coming earlier than they originally predicted. I got up, got dressed, made my list for Pathmark and when he arrived home around 8a.m. we hit the stores. Home Depot first because we don't own a shovel. We always seems to put off buying one, so of course we end up being 2 of "those crazies" rushing into the store and getting through the crowd to pick out a shovel. The snow hadn't even started yet at that point but at least we had 2 shovels. Finally.  

Next up, Pathmark. Let me tell you. I put off food shopping because of my work schedule, Christmas Day and the day we received our checks this week. I knew I would end up food shopping today. Did I know I would be doing it with all the crazies that go out to buy up all the milk and bread. NO! It was so bad that the store ran out of shopping carts. Plus, I ended up with a horrible back ache as we stood near the deli counter for 1/2 hr waiting for our number to be called. Thankfully when we hit the checkout area in the front, they opened up a new lane and ushered us right over to it. Yay! 

I was planning on going to Target to buy a few of these:
Since I value my life I will be lounging on my sofa reading my Kindle and every now and then taking a photo or two out the front door, back door or a window at the progress of the blizzard. 

Stay warm, eat some goodies and watch the snow fall.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

{the age of the e-books}

I've been reading on a Kindle since June 2009. The 9th of June actually. Oddly enough when it is sent to you there is a Welcome message saved on it with the date. I have read about 12-15 books in the time that I've had it. I find that extremely odd because I used to read much faster. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't been reading the same types of books or if it's because I've been reading on the Kindle itself and not a real paper and ink book or if it's simply because my life has changed so much in the last 18 months that I haven't read as much. I've actually read statistics that say people read about 10% or so slower on a Kindle because of the "page" turning flash thing it does to get a reader to the next portion of the book.
On my previous blog I've written about my Kindle experience, I apologize if this is repetitive. Twice in the last 12 months I have contemplated selling my Kindle because I miss the experience of going into the book store and browsing the aisles and shelves. When we go to Target or Walmart I look over the book aisles just to see covers and read a back cover or two. But, since I'm technically not literally picking out a book and Nick is usually giving me a look like,"Babe,, lets go already!" I do a quick browse and move on.

Sometimes I even grab my phone and take a picture of the cover so that I will look the book up at home  and add it to my Kindle Wish List. Nick says this is cheating and I should write down the name and author. Duh, that's what the electronic age is all about. I was watching Oprah the other day and was able to add a book from her book club to my Wish List as well. I even see patients as work reading books and try and remember the names or author to look them up later on at home.

I've been thinking about it and I think I want to do book recommendation/review thing here when I finish a book. Ya know, read a book. Write about it. Give it a couple of stars or thumbs up to rate it. Maybe it will motivate me to read a bit more/faster. The idea will probably evolve a bit more as I read and then blog here about it. What books have you all been reading or have heard about? Let me know. I may add it to my Wish List and it may end up here on the blog.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

{One Word 2011}

So, I've been thinking over my one word for 2011 and have decided what word I want to encompass each day during the next year. It is the word that Nick suggested last week. At first, I thought it could be considered a bit cheesy since it is such a HUGE part of one of my hobbies but then after thinking it over, I realized it can really inspire me with many things I wish to work on in 2011.

I won't "announce" my word yet. In fact, I may wait to mention it here until I receive my one word necklace. I recently started wearing mine everyday again after realizing I really need it as a reminder to use the word and work on what I plan to accomplish. I have to order my newest one. When I have a chance I will post previous versions for all to check out. I gave my original one away to a friend hoping to give her a kick start on working with CHANGE (that was my very first word) but I don't think she ever wore it. Would it be wrong to ask for it? I would like to add it to my current necklace as I have begun to wear all the words on one chain as a reminder of my ongoing progress each year. Maybe I'll just purchase a new one. I don't know. A bit torn about it. A bit let down that she never used it/wore it at all. Kinda angers me actually. Suggestions welcome. I need some advice on this.

Right now I need to get my butt in gear. I wasn't supposed to work today but was texted that they had a call out and it would be overtime for me so why not. Am off tomorrow so still have time to work on some photo projects. I was up early today so it was nice to relax around the house this morning with Nick and the furry kids. Nick works in the middle of the night so he gets home in the morning when I'm usually going to work. Just when I finally get a day job, he gets a night job. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

{just a gal}

Tonight I'm just a gal trying to get some sleep after feeling blah and bleck, napping on and off. Now I'm watching some ABC Family Channel holiday movies that I dvr'd last week. Here's to hoping I fall asleep soon because I have to be up at 5a.m.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

{reality addiction}

Hi, my name is Tara and I'm addicted to TV. More specifically, train wreck TV shows. I think the fact that I have a DVR makes it even worse. I tend to DVR the usual. I watched Dancing With The Stars. Last year I rooted for Lee throughout American Idol. and I get my geek on by listening to Sheldon say,"Bazinga!" and tell whoever is sitting on his specific seat on the couch to move they are in his spot. But and I cringe to think you will all immediately un-friend me on facebook when I tell you that I have an addiction to MOST tv train wreck shows.

I know that the Little Couple are from Long Island and live in Texas now. She is a neonatal specialist and he is a business man. They are building a custom home to suit their small statures and are trying to have a family soon. Cake Boss. Yes, I know that Buddy put new ovens in his bakery and WOW are those babies efficient and high tech. Kate Plus 8. They went to Alaska and went whale watching where Kate proceeded to do her high pitched screaming thing which probably pissed off all the other tourists on that boat. But the kids were cute as ever. Well, except for one of the older two. Forget if it's Madi or Cara, but she's annoying and mostly likes to hear herself talk. Heard the show is cancelled don't worry I have plenty more train wreck still on the DVR.

 Wanna talk Housewives. I currently watch the Beverly Hills version. Mainly because it has the blonde girl from Escape From Witch Mountain (the original version) and she's all grown up rich, husbandless and fights a ton with her younger sister. There is also Kelsey Grammer's soon to be ex, Camille who has major issues with being the wife of Kelsey Grammer. Hello girlie, your skinny and rich that's about all you got goin on. You should have been happy with 7 houses and oodles of dough. You are known for being his wife because that's all you've done for years since marrying him. She complains that people don't understand how busy her life is with 2 kids, a couple of nannies and staff to cook and clean. I do believe out of the entire bunch only one of them actually works. Yeah they've got it rough.

Downsized. At first, I swore I wasn't going to watch this show. The I caught a 3 show marathon and that was it. They seem a bit unrealistic when it comes to the reality of actually downsizing. But we don't really know what their previous home and life was like. So although where they live now may seem like a castle compared to where you or I currently live, to them, it's downsizing. The episode where they went to a financial planner pissed me off though. A lot of what he was telling them was simply common sense. You collect food stamps each month. You should not have to have a financial planner tell you to stop buying gourmet coffee everyday!! And she didn't just buy the cup of coffee either she bought the frappuccino's which cost even more. And proceeded to blame her MS for the need of caffeine to stay awake. ACK woman are you listening to yourself!

 I watch Family Jewels,  Tori and Dean, Kirstie Alley Big Life, Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Jersey Shore (which I swore I wouldn't watch), Jerseylicious and Jersey Couture.  Oddly enough, for 8 years I lived about 9 miles from the store that is featured on the couture show and drove past it twice a day, 5 days a week. Well, wait that may not be true cause originally they were on Route 33, not sure when they moved to Route 9.  It is in the most random looking strip mall. You would never assume that a supposedly very well known in the pageant and prom world dress shop would be there.

To close out this already too long random chatter about train wrecks. I need to tell you that I have seriously promised myself to not watch two new shows. Joan Knows Best and The Hasselhoffs. Coincidentally as I write this I google for the show link and happily discovered that the Hasselhoff's show was cancelled. Yay! Now I don't have to randomly see it while changed the channel and get sucked in. Fingers crossed that the hot mess that will most likely be Joan Knows Best grab my attention. I probably don't have to worry though Joan's scary a few too many plastic surgeries appearance will keep me from looking too long.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I have been thinking a lot lately about finding a Church to attend near my home. I regularly attended a Lutheran Church when I lived in NY(2009) and find myself missing it more and more as time goes on. Especially this time of year. I enjoyed the Pot Luck Dinners, Bible Study before Sunday Service, decorating the Church before Christmas and even sitting with my friends father each Sunday morning. I proudly became a member of the Church a few weeks after beginning to attend. That was a big deal to me since I have never regularly attended any church in my lifetime. Wait that's not true. I attended a Catholic Church in 2001 for about a year in order to be married there but honestly never felt I was a part of it since I wasn't the Catholic one. But once married to the X he promptly announced we would not be going back. I am not Catholic so it upset me to know that he (the Catholic one) didn't want to attend. I don't understand how someone doesn't want to be a part of their community.

I had a need or urge to attend Church regularly. Not sure why but most of my adult life I've felt that way.At some point I discovered Joel Osteen. I watch regularly and I learn something new every time. I've seen him speak in person to. LOVED it. It empowered me, inspired me, this may sound cheesy but I literally felt lifted up and raised to a new level when I left Yankee Stadium that night. It made my heart happy.

Nick is Catholic. He has not attended Church regularly since he was a child. I can't receive Communion at a Catholic Church unless I become Catholic. I am Protestant, no offense to Catholics but I wish to remain a Protestant. I was christened by an Episcopal Priest at about 3 or 4 months old. I did not practice any religion growing up with the exception of Easter Sundays in Church with my grandparents. I would sit as a little girl and scuff up my patent leather shoes as I sat there looking cute in my new dress and coat. That Church was Presbyterian. I still don't understand all the differences between the types of Protestant Churches but hope to one day learn them. My whole point is this, from the beginning of my relationship with Nick, he has expressed that he would go to Church with me. I believe at first it was said to merely gain some brownie points. Ha! His sister nearly fell over when he said this to me as she was there to witness it. But as time has progressed he has emphatically expressed that he will still go to Church with me. One thing is it's my job is to figure out where we're going.

We've asked around. At his job he's spoken to a fellow worker about a non-denominational Church nearby. I've also heard about the same place and it sounds like a good place. But I've also looked into two Lutheran Churches and a Methodist Church as well. Might just have to make a list and start attending one by one. I strongly believe that just like when I attended Our Saviour Lutheran in NY, I'll know if it's right just by being there. It will feel right.

Friday, December 10, 2010

{just one word}

I have been participating in the One Word Project for three years now. In 2008 my word was CHANGE. It was to remind me that I could survive the major changes that were happening in my life at the time. My word for 2009 was PROUD. It was to remind myself to do things large and small that I could be proud of. I will admit I am not fully happy with the outcome of that years focus. Of course I was hoping to make myself proud and lose all the weight I wanted to lose. Of course I wanted to begin an exercise routine and stick with it. Yeah, didn't happen. But it's not like I'm ashamed of myself for any reason either. Just generally disgusted with myself for not taking better care of myself. Moving on.

My word of 2010 was SERENITY. While I haven't led a serene and entirely peaceful life in 2010. It has had many more ups than the downs I experienced in the previous years. Maybe serenity was reaching for something that doesn't exist. Like perfection. Who the heck is perfect? No one. Only God can define perfection and I know in Gods eyes I'm perfect just the way I am.

So, after reading Sara's new blog, I realized it was already the time of year to begin thinking about and choosing my word for 2011.  Tonight after a bit of brainstorming and using an online thesaurus. I've come up with the general idea of what I'm going for. I want a word that will help inspire me to succeed where I've fallen short in the past. Where I feel I've fallen short in the past or at least give me the wisdom to learn that I actually haven't fallen short in the past.

I also hope to sign up for this class. It would be an entire year of inspiration from Ali. Love the idea of that and hope to partake in it.

Before ending I just wanted to share this page. I did it a few weeks ago. It's just a page to remember some everyday things that I love about my life, the big things and the little things. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

{getting back on the horse}

I've been thinking of blogging again for quite a long time now. I've been on both sides of the yay or nay fence about it. I've contemplated it in my mind for so long now that I've done everything but sit down and write a pros and cons list.

Back in the day I LOVED blogging. I learned from reading one of the best. I began reading Yanos blog sometime in 2004. I would take the time to sit and research exactly when I started reading it but that really doesn't matter and I'd probably never get any of you back here as readers for being annoyingly thorough . I started blogging sometime in 2004. I used  Blogger back then. It was a simply looking blog. I had it for awhile and then I paid for a web designer to help me set up my own domain and design a site for me. Pineapple's Post was born. I had a fancy schmancy pink tropical looking blog. I was happy there and as time went on I learned a little bit of html code and ended up editing the design. I wrote about anything and everything. TV shows, movies, actors, music.  I "met" other bloggers online. Like This was before Facebook, before MySpace and YouTube. When people wanted to share photos we used Photobucket and eventually Flickr.

Once again, being a bit like a person with some attention deficit issues, I needed a change and took my blog over to TypePad. Mainly because Wordpress wasn't very user friendly when it came to personalizing the blog. I had to remember html code every time I wanted to change something. When you don't do that stuff everyday it kinda goes out of your head. I just didn't want to take the time to relearn it every time I wanted to have a blog makeover. Typepad was VERY user friendly. It was great, when I needed a change. I could do it 1,2,3. I could install a new design that I would create in PSE with Digital Scrapbook supplies. Easy Peasy.

 But, eventually the blogging kinda wound down to,"I got nuthin!" I had a TON of stuff going on back then. Fighting with my then husband and going through divorce, moving to NY, working at a new "old" job, the list could go on and on. But, know what? Right. Now. I feel like I'm in a good place to begin again.

So this is me, just a girl trying to be, asking you to come back soon!