Wednesday, December 15, 2010

{reality addiction}

Hi, my name is Tara and I'm addicted to TV. More specifically, train wreck TV shows. I think the fact that I have a DVR makes it even worse. I tend to DVR the usual. I watched Dancing With The Stars. Last year I rooted for Lee throughout American Idol. and I get my geek on by listening to Sheldon say,"Bazinga!" and tell whoever is sitting on his specific seat on the couch to move they are in his spot. But and I cringe to think you will all immediately un-friend me on facebook when I tell you that I have an addiction to MOST tv train wreck shows.

I know that the Little Couple are from Long Island and live in Texas now. She is a neonatal specialist and he is a business man. They are building a custom home to suit their small statures and are trying to have a family soon. Cake Boss. Yes, I know that Buddy put new ovens in his bakery and WOW are those babies efficient and high tech. Kate Plus 8. They went to Alaska and went whale watching where Kate proceeded to do her high pitched screaming thing which probably pissed off all the other tourists on that boat. But the kids were cute as ever. Well, except for one of the older two. Forget if it's Madi or Cara, but she's annoying and mostly likes to hear herself talk. Heard the show is cancelled don't worry I have plenty more train wreck still on the DVR.

 Wanna talk Housewives. I currently watch the Beverly Hills version. Mainly because it has the blonde girl from Escape From Witch Mountain (the original version) and she's all grown up rich, husbandless and fights a ton with her younger sister. There is also Kelsey Grammer's soon to be ex, Camille who has major issues with being the wife of Kelsey Grammer. Hello girlie, your skinny and rich that's about all you got goin on. You should have been happy with 7 houses and oodles of dough. You are known for being his wife because that's all you've done for years since marrying him. She complains that people don't understand how busy her life is with 2 kids, a couple of nannies and staff to cook and clean. I do believe out of the entire bunch only one of them actually works. Yeah they've got it rough.

Downsized. At first, I swore I wasn't going to watch this show. The I caught a 3 show marathon and that was it. They seem a bit unrealistic when it comes to the reality of actually downsizing. But we don't really know what their previous home and life was like. So although where they live now may seem like a castle compared to where you or I currently live, to them, it's downsizing. The episode where they went to a financial planner pissed me off though. A lot of what he was telling them was simply common sense. You collect food stamps each month. You should not have to have a financial planner tell you to stop buying gourmet coffee everyday!! And she didn't just buy the cup of coffee either she bought the frappuccino's which cost even more. And proceeded to blame her MS for the need of caffeine to stay awake. ACK woman are you listening to yourself!

 I watch Family Jewels,  Tori and Dean, Kirstie Alley Big Life, Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Jersey Shore (which I swore I wouldn't watch), Jerseylicious and Jersey Couture.  Oddly enough, for 8 years I lived about 9 miles from the store that is featured on the couture show and drove past it twice a day, 5 days a week. Well, wait that may not be true cause originally they were on Route 33, not sure when they moved to Route 9.  It is in the most random looking strip mall. You would never assume that a supposedly very well known in the pageant and prom world dress shop would be there.

To close out this already too long random chatter about train wrecks. I need to tell you that I have seriously promised myself to not watch two new shows. Joan Knows Best and The Hasselhoffs. Coincidentally as I write this I google for the show link and happily discovered that the Hasselhoff's show was cancelled. Yay! Now I don't have to randomly see it while changed the channel and get sucked in. Fingers crossed that the hot mess that will most likely be Joan Knows Best grab my attention. I probably don't have to worry though Joan's scary a few too many plastic surgeries appearance will keep me from looking too long.


  1. Wow, what happened to my sci-fi geek friend?

  2. There isn't any good sci-fi on anymore! Except for Fringe of FOX
