Friday, December 31, 2010

{my one little word}

I have chosen my word or as Ali Edwards says, I've let it choose me.

I feel like I have already begun to use my word. I have been more efficient at doing several things I've wanted to focus on. Blogging, Scrapbooking and even my finances. One example, I used to balance my checkbook to the penny every few days. For the last two years I haven't balanced it AT ALL.  Let's just say, thank goodness for overdraft, but BOO for fees. I've focused on my finances and I have taken control of my check book once more!!  So far I am balancing it every day or two just to make sure I am on track and keep on track.

I plan on using my word in every aspect of my life. I plan on focusing on my health. Which means eating healthier, exercising and going to doctor appointments. Have I mentioned I'm a bad patient? Nurse and all,, I'm living up to the saying that medical professionals are bad patients. I plan on focusing on my scrapbooking hobby. I've begun by signing up for two classes over at Big Picture Scrapbooking. One begins tomorrow. A big plus is that I'm off tomorrow. Woohoo. The second begins in February.  I will focus on my classes and my scrapping.

I also plan to do the obvious with the word focus. Focus on my camera and learning all I can do with it. I have a Nikon D90 and two lenses. I have been slowly reading up on the different settings of a DSLR camera. I've been annoying my self by watching tutorial videos and reading instructions and then when I try to remember the settings a day or few days after, I forget them. I'll eventually get it. Practice makes perfect. Focus. I just reminded myself of The Karate Kid,, focus danielson,,,, FOCUS! Teehee. 

So, I end this 2010 year, with a new blog, a new word and a warm wishes and hugs for you all. Happy New Year!!!

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