Thursday, December 30, 2010

{mini-me, my boy and a movie}

While Christmas shopping for Mini-me (Nick's son Chris whom I refer to as my step-son or Mini-me since he's a replica of his dad) I was looking for what else to buy him since clothing is a bit boring to give a 19 year old. I got an awesome deal on a Virgin Mobile cell phone. No contract, unlimited txt and data with enough minutes for him considering he spends 95% of his time txting and not actually speaking on a phone. We paid for the first month of the phone. it's in his name and he's responsible for the rest. Plus the phone cost me $30 at Radio Shack when every other store wanted $70. Cha-ching. Love a good deal. But, his cell phone is not the point of my post. The phone and clothes were his Christmas presents. I needed something else to get for him.

While I was browsing the movie section at Walmart eyeing up the movie "The Town" because my boy Ben Affleck is in it, Nick turns and says to me that Chris really wanted to see that movie, referring to The Town. I saw it as the perfect opportunity for me to get another present for Mini-me AND get to watch my boy Ben in a movie that for the first time in a long time, got good reviews.

Have any of you watched it yet? I recommend it. I liked it, a lot. And while I know I am not really able to NOT enjoy watching Ben for 2 hours straight, it really was good! Oddly enough even though Ben plays a bad character in the movie you can't help but want him to "win" in the situation he ends up in. Chris was surprised at how well Ben can speak with a Boston accent. A thick one at that. I said,"well that's because my boy is from Boston". Nick asks,"your boy?" I said,"Oh come on, you know I have a thing for Ben".

Apparently, I never really let on about my feelings for Ben over the last year and a half.

{Sigh}Ahh, the days when I would sift through websites to find new photos of my boyfriend, ah-hem, excuse me, I mean, of Ben. I even created many a photo collage for my desk at work back when I worked in Staten Island. Around 2001 or so. Back before he made a bunch of bad movies and pre-JLo times. I like to pretend those didn't even happen. As I'm sure he would like to forget them as well. Ben also directed and assisted in the writing of the screenplay. My boy is SO talented. ;)

I even like that he's married to Jennifer Garner. I like her. I was a huge fan of the show ALIAS. Excellent show. Was very sad to see it end. Actually makes me want to rent/buy them. Hmm. That's a good idea. Must remember to google them and see how much they are.

So, I wanted to let you know that I give THE TOWN 2 thumbs way up. Rent it from Netflix or Redbox or whatever service you use. Time for my head to hit the pillow for 8 hours of sleep or I may be a very grouchy nurse tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw the Town also and really liked it. Hopefully Ben is on a rollof better movies. So nowwe can get movie reviews and book reviews here? Sounds good.
